It's been over a year and a half since I posted any new tale of the yogi. That's probably because in the interim, the yogi got into a PhD program in anthropology, moved to the United States and made sweet, sweet contact with the man of her dreams (not particularly in that order). She will continue to walk, to run, to wander. She will continue to traverse life's vicissitudes with the passion of a nomad, but now, her steps fall in sync with one other's. Together, they have their feet on the ground and their heads in the clouds.
What better way to start a new chapter of Wanderings than with the Vows the yogi and her man made to each other on Dec 21, 2013....vows that eventually culminated in 16 auspicious rounds around the ceremonial fire and the promise of 58 years and 6 more lifetimes together.
This is perhaps the most important tale of the yogi to date.
I COMMIT TO YOU, my wife
[Dec 21, 2013
What better way to start a new chapter of Wanderings than with the Vows the yogi and her man made to each other on Dec 21, 2013....vows that eventually culminated in 16 auspicious rounds around the ceremonial fire and the promise of 58 years and 6 more lifetimes together.
This is perhaps the most important tale of the yogi to date.

[Dec 21, 2013
Approx. 5:30 pm
Coronado, California]
Taapsi, my love.
You are the “YES” i was always looking for and knew, deep down, existed. I can speak no higher truth in saying that I have waited my whole life for you… all paths and experiences have lead to you and my capacity to love and be loved by you. And in my heart I have always imagined being with you- meaning I have always imagined being with my ultimate partner, lover and friend- someone who I adore, enjoy, love and am deliciously in love with all at the same time. I have thought and talked so often about dream vs. reality… and believe We are that harmonious combination.. feet on the ground, head in the clouds. You are without a doubt the LOVE of my life and a new beginning in my understanding of Family.
As I have surrendered to this amazing journey, I offer these promises....
I will respect you on your best and worst days and stay by your side.
I will protect and care for you, fill your cup and hold your hand.
I will help you look for the things you seek
I will Hope for you, Concentrate on you, Shop for you and Learn with you.
Whatever you give, I will cherish and multiply,
add harmony and keep rhythm with everything I possess.
I present these words as an affirmation and commitment
to you, my eternal partner and wife.
And as I also love Haiku…
We are found today
Grounding feet, parting clouds, ripe
You are the “YES” i was always looking for and knew, deep down, existed. I can speak no higher truth in saying that I have waited my whole life for you… all paths and experiences have lead to you and my capacity to love and be loved by you. And in my heart I have always imagined being with you- meaning I have always imagined being with my ultimate partner, lover and friend- someone who I adore, enjoy, love and am deliciously in love with all at the same time. I have thought and talked so often about dream vs. reality… and believe We are that harmonious combination.. feet on the ground, head in the clouds. You are without a doubt the LOVE of my life and a new beginning in my understanding of Family.
As I have surrendered to this amazing journey, I offer these promises....
I will respect you on your best and worst days and stay by your side.
I will protect and care for you, fill your cup and hold your hand.
I will help you look for the things you seek
I will Hope for you, Concentrate on you, Shop for you and Learn with you.
Whatever you give, I will cherish and multiply,
add harmony and keep rhythm with everything I possess.
I present these words as an affirmation and commitment
to you, my eternal partner and wife.
And as I also love Haiku…
We are found today
Grounding feet, parting clouds, ripe
A waking dream, Still.
I COMMIT TO YOU, my husband
The first night we met, all I really noticed were your good looks and orange backpack. I thought to myself, I really like his genes – we’d make great babies. When I saw you, it was like watching David Hasselhoff in Baywatch – you looked way too hot to be available. And then you reached over, shook my hand and said “Hi, I’m Mark”. Holy cow. This was for real! That moment, for better or worse, was the beginning of us.
The first night we met, all I really noticed were your good looks and orange backpack. I thought to myself, I really like his genes – we’d make great babies. When I saw you, it was like watching David Hasselhoff in Baywatch – you looked way too hot to be available. And then you reached over, shook my hand and said “Hi, I’m Mark”. Holy cow. This was for real! That moment, for better or worse, was the beginning of us.
Here we are, almost four years later, ready to take the
plunge…perhaps literally in the pool after all this. Ours was a bumpy ride
(might be an understatement, actually). But for the past two years, since we chose
to live together, I have come to value you and love you and cherish you more
than I have ever before. What I am feeling right now, in this moment, standing
in front of you, is a culmination of sweet joy, pure love and intense
attraction in a way I have never experienced before.
You have been the beginning of so many “Firsts” in my life,
baby. I had never held hands in public before I held yours, I had never
listened to classical music or watched a ballet performance or heard an opera
singer before I met you. I had never been inside a Land Rover or inside a tent
or sat naked in hot springs before I met you. I didn’t know how powerful haiku
could be or how weak Ray Lamontagne could make me. I had never eaten a mushroom
risotto or drunk as much as much coffee as I have with you. I have never met a
man who has cried freely before me and then held me as I cried. I have never
met a man for whom chopping wood is as manly as breaking into a Bollywood dance
which is as manly as making kettle corn and watching Luther in bed. Our love
has been a revelation. I have become a person I Never thought I was, or would
be…and I am riding this wave, baby. How can I Not want to marry you?!!
Selfishly, I cannot and will never let you go because you
Really are my other half…you’re my other half that I didn’t know I had! Our
friends and family stand witness to the fact that I am more a woman, more a partner,
more a sister, more a friend and more a human being than I have ever pushed
myself to be. And you are more than part of that reason. I can’t wait to marry
you because you make me blissfully happily (my facebook pictures seem to be testimony
to that!). I have always been your woman…with my head in the clouds and my feet
on the ground. Now I am ready to be your bride.
I vow to always meet you halfway. I vow to be your equal
partner – to stand by your side always, to always choose you, to ease your
burden even when you tell me “I’m the man”…I vow to wipe your tears, share your
laugh and offer you a sanctuary to laugh and cry some more. I vow to be open
and honest and love you even when you play Youssou N’Dour :D
You are My man, baby.
And I will always love you. Like a crazy person.